Gathering, maintaining, and deciphering up-to-the minute energy commodity data is critical in effectively managing your company’s energy supply contracts. Whether you have a single location, or hundreds of locations nationwide, translating real time market information into a pricing structure that makes sense for your company can have a significant impact on your bottom line.
DBC Energy Consulting is your primary source of real-time market information to assist your company in making the most informed decisions.
Stay on top of recent market reports, price changes and developments within the industry. Below is a list of links you might find helpful to stay informed.
Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT):
Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT):
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC):
Energy Information Administration (EAI):
New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX):
National Weather Service:
Department of Energy:
Texas Power to Choose:
Energy Central:
Texas Electricity Professionals Association:
Natural Gas Prices: